Friday, June 21, 2013

6 by 1 Ratings


Film Manipulation - 2
Media Fast Interpretation -6
Crowdsourcing - 3
Anaglyph 3D - 4
Multiplane Animation -1
Bolex Long Take - 5

This is my rating of all of my projects. The multiplane animation was my favorite for a lot of reasons. I really liked the soundscape we used, I enjoyed making all the cities and characters, and it was the most fun I had out of any of the projects. We knew what we were doing but along the way we kept coming up with new things to add and it just kept getting more crazy and we still ended up finishing early with over 600 frames. My only complaint on it is that it is hard to hear the dialogue in the final product. The film manipulation was my second favorite because I appreciate the fact that film is a dying art and I'll probably never get to do something like that again. I didn't know what to expect but I think it came out really cool in the end. My next favorite was the crowdsourcing cause I enjoyed drawing all the frames and seeing how it looked all together. My soundscape had room for improvement though. It was timed to the original video but the cues didn't show up in the final crowdsourcing video so I was sad to see my timing didn't translate. I see something new every time I watch the video and its really awesome. The next one was the anaglyph 3D, obviously it was awesome to get to make a 3D film I just feel like we could have done more with shot variation and depth. I did like how my backdrop came out. After that, I enjoyed the bolex long take. But, I think a one minute film is always longer than you expect and I feel like we could have done more in the plot and I wish the film hadn't come out overexposed. My least favorite one was the media fast video. This is because I thought the red string idea was cool to show how we are tied to technology but I wish I had used ribbons instead of actual string because it didn't show up in the film at all and just made the whole video seem rather strange. Overall, I had a lot of fun and learned a lot of lessons about what works and what doesn't.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rough Theater

The idea of rough theater relates to me as a filmmaker because I also happen to be a double major in Theatre Tech and Production. So, I've always been a believer that film strives when it uses aspects of theater or incorporates theatricality into its storytelling. Specifically rough theater relates to my filmmaking so far because when you're a college students all your films become low budget and you have to rely on what you can get. So, using things like cardboard for a set makes the film campy in a fun way and also saves a lot of money for people who just want to make films for fun and are not aiming for the next Citizen Kane. As a theatre student however, I would say that all theater has a roughiness that the article describes. Broadway doesn't seem like it, but I've seen a moustache fall off someone's face mid show during a broadway musical (luckily it was Spamalot so they laughed it off quite well). All theatre has techies running around backstage, sweating and stressing as they make the fly system work, keep the actors on point, move the set around, etc. Theater is always rough, the trick is just making it look good when there is an audience watching. But, it is fun not to aim for perfection and make a joke out of the roughiness that can't be avoided on a budget. Thats been the fun of this class so far, improvisation and quick deadlines gives our projects a spontaneity they wouldn't have achieved otherwise. So, rough theater to me is a fun campy form of art I would like to continue in my free time.